Dear blacksmiths of the Ring,
On November 12th and 13th we would like to make roses for Norway in our smith’s workshop. But we cannot do that alone. We would like to invite you to contribute to this good initiative of the blacksmiths in Oslo. Oslo’s blacksmiths are building a sculpture of forged roses made by smiths from all over the world. To honour the victims of the unimaginable violence in Oslo July 22nd.
We’ll start on Saturday November 12th at 8.30 am in our workshop Mondra Opleidingen BV, Ambachtsweg 38, 6673 DK Andelst, the Netherlands.
If you like joining us in this good initiative, let us know as soon as possible. The only financial support we ask is for lunch. If you need information about overnight stays you can call us at 0031-6-10898045 (mobile phone of Janny Pronk).
You are very welcome in Andelst. We hope that our workshop will be too small for all the blacksmiths that would like to join us.